When harm comes your way

by | Jan 9, 2023


At some time or another, misfortune will cross your path. Whilst you may not always be prepared for it, you need to deal with it in the best possible way, to ensure the least possible harm. 

Whether it happens in your personal life or in your business environment, there are basic steps to follow to assist you with the way forward.

Take appropriate action in the event of an emergency

Remain calm and think clearly

Your ability to assess the situation is crucial as it may be an event you have never experienced before. Remain calm, think clearly, and focus on what needs to be done and prioritise the actions that are required.

Get people to safety 

It is important to know who to call and what to do under different circumstances.

In the event of a fire or severe damage to a building or construction site, all persons need to evacuate the premises immediately and be moved to a safe place.

Call the fire brigade in the event of fire or damage to a building, and the emergency medical services should anybody be injured.

Ask for assistance

Should the incident require protection or assistance, call the South African Police Service (SAPS). In the event of a crime, it is obligatory that the matter is reported to the SAPS as soon as possible, preferably not longer than 24 hours after the incident, otherwise, you may prejudice your insurance claim. 

With the assistance and means at your disposal, always try to prevent any further loss or damage at the accident scene.

Contact your Insurance Broker 

It is of paramount importance to advise your Insurance Broker/Insurer of the incident. It is also advisable to preserve all possible evidence which can assist the Insurer or their mandated Loss Adjustor in their investigations, when establishing the cause as well as the extent of the damage.

Preserve evidence of the incidence

Most of us have a smartphone equipped with a camera and video capabilities. This modern technology can stand you in good stead. 

Digital images may be used for  purpose of evidence, therefore, as much photographic detail as possible is always advantageous.

Assist in settling your claim 

In the event of substantial damage or unusual circumstances, Insurers may elect to appoint a suitably qualified Loss Adjuster to investigate the circumstances of the incident and to quantify the claim.  Loss Adjusters are usually independent and not in the employ of the Insurer. They rely on all your assistance to arrange a speedy and fair settlement of your claim.

Workmen’s Compensation Fund or Federated Employers Mutual 

As an employer, an injury, fatal or otherwise, to any employee, must be reported to the Workmen’s Compensation Fund or Federated Employers Mutual (FEM), as soon as possible after the incident.

Negligence and civil action

It is also possible where an incident contains an element of negligence, that there may be grounds for civil action against you or your business. It is therefore important, even if you believe the event is insignificant, to report all such incidents to your Insurance Broker/Insurer for them to decide whether the incident warrants further investigation. 

Remember, where third parties are involved, they have up to three years to issue or serve summons and by that time all evidence may have been lost or destroyed.

You are Consort’s ultimate concern

It is Consort’s aspiration to fulfil our promise to assist you during times of distress following an incident, which is indemnifiable in terms of your policy. 

It is not only our obligation but also our privilege to assist you in obtaining a speedy and fair settlement of your claim. 

Due to compliance and the regulatory environment under which we operate, we are not permitted to give advice nor sell any of our insurance products directly to our clients or potential clients. We therefore request you to contact an accredited short-term insurance Financial Services Provider (FSP)/Intermediary. If you currently do not have a FSP/Intermediary, you are welcome to contact us and we will arrange for one of our accredited FSPs/Intermediaries to assist you.

Consort wishes you an incident-free 2023 and may all your aspirations be fulfilled.