Every month Consort publishes an article / campaign around relevant topics that creates an understanding
around the engineering insurance space in which we operate in. Please feel free to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page.
Dance between the sun and the wind
It is the energy from the sun that causes the sea breeze to show up on a sunny afternoon. As inland areas heat up, the air warms, causing it to...
The sun is still shining
Despite urban air pollution affecting the passage of daylight, not even the smog of London can stop the sun caressing the solar panels across...
Evolution of technology – friend or foe?
Have you ever considered where the world would be today if it had not been for the Industrial Revolution that started back in the middle decades of...
Specialist area of electronic equipment insurance
Today most businesses are dependent on information technology/electronic equipment, to such an extent, that they cannot operate without it. Any loss...
Climate Change and the Impact on Insurance
How can we prepare for the risk from climate change? Climate change is happening and here to stay Whilst planet Earth continues its orbit through...
Can you afford to run the “risk” of being without an insurance broker?
Invaluable intellectual asset An insurance broker / intermediary / Financial Services Provider (hereinafter referred to as the broker) is probably...
People exposed to risk should not feel overwhelmed by insurance offers
Being a great broker Mr. Broker, you have chosen risk exposure as your playground, and you have the potential to cut it. The difference between a...
Risk cannot always be avoided, but it can be managed
The only sure thing in life To change or not to change -- if you are not willing to accept change, or change to adapt to the world around you, you...
New Year. Change (and risk) and knowledge
New Year. Change (and risk) and knowledge Change involves risk of the unknown - be it moving to the city, buying a house, making a career change,...
Removal of Support: How far does the liability extend?
Removal of Support: How far does the liability extend? Author - Symone Robinson Insurance is there to make sure you are prepared for even the most...
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